One important part of becoming Catholic that dates back to the very beginnings of the Church is sponsorship. In the early Church, Christians who were already baptized and confirmed in the faith would sponsor other individuals on their Christian faith journey. They would share the Good News of Jesus Christ by teaching them about Jesus - his life, death and resurrection - taking them to church, answering questions and witnessing to these seekers the life of Christ.
This tradition continues today through sponsoring seekers interested in learning more about the Church through our Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) classes and then moving towards receiving Sacraments. Sponsors attend class with students, meet or talk with them to answer questions and walk with them on their journey of faith.
We are currently looking for sponsors with a variety of spiritual gifts to support those currently enrolling in RCIA/OCIA. While we will not be able to use everyone who expresses interest this year, our hope is to develop a database of those interested. By answering a few questions we can get to know you a little better and find the best fit for each of those in need of a sponsor.