Long-time parishioner and friend of Our Lady of Lourdes, Annella Dosdal passed away last week in California after contracting pneumonia. Annella and her late husband Tom were parishioners of Lourdes for years and generous supporters of the parish and its mission. Fr. Griffith said, “Annella will be missed deeply. She was a Christian of joy, hospitality and faith. She loved Lourdes and our community. A Memorial Mass for Annella will be celebrated in the coming months. 2020 has been a challenging year in so many ways, including the loss of parishioners who were integral to our parish life. It is remarkable how many characteristics these parishioners shared including faith, generosity of spirit and love for Lourdes: Doc Joe Wethington, Bill Lawson, Tom Johnson, Tim Neeb, Barbara Bye, Jerry Fleischaker and now Annella Dosdal. My hope is that while we miss all of them deeply, they will be interceding for our community of faith at Lourdes. Rest in peace - your good deeds go with you.”
From Father Griffith: "I found this article, which was published by the folks at the McGrath Institute at Univ. of Notre Dame, to be helpful, balanced and consistent with the Catholic teaching. It is worth the read!"
"Resilience definition: the ability to sustain your sense of self and purpose through a set of beliefs, principles and values. Perhaps you and I have something in common, during times of radical change or when things are falling apart all around me…. I find myself often holding on to broken pieces. I can get fixated for things to go back to the ways things were before ..."