The risen Christ wishes to convey to his beleaguered disciples the good news that his death and resurrection has restored a fallen humanity to the love of the Father.
Great talk by Fr. Griffith! Click for a link to the video. The books that Fr. Griffith referenced during the first session are: The Gospel of Luke by Luke Timothy Johnson (2006); The Gospel of Luke by Pablo T. Gadenz (2018) and The Hospitality of God by Brendan Byrne SJ (2015).
A five-part Bible Study on Luke the Evangelist will begin on Sunday, February 20th following the 10:30 am Mass. The series will be livestreamed, beginning at 11:30 am, and Fr. Griffith will present the first week of the series. Join us!
A five-part Bible Study on Luke the Evangelist will begin on Sunday, February 20th following the 10:30 am Mass. The series will be livestreamed, beginning at 11:30 am, and Fr. Griffith will present the first week of the series. Join us!
From Fr. Daniel Griffith: “On this day which falls between the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and the 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade – and which also marks the official beginning of the impeachment trial of President Trump - I offer a few reflections...”
Father Griffith was interviewed on Relevant Radio this week and he talked about the Culture of Encounter series at Our Lady of Lourdes. Here is more on the schedule for these upcoming Adult Formation talks and events and the podcast.